Recruitment and hiring during COVID-19

The Covid-19 coronavirus went from an outbreak to a full on global pandemic. Some companies are considering halting their hiring process until the situation improves. Rather than panic or chalk recruitment and employment up as failed ventures, employers should be considering ways to ensure that their offices and prospective employees are safe from the Covid-19 threat. Chances are that companies  sourcing candidates online. There’s very little contact with the candidate beyond phone calls and emails.

LinkedIn has grown into one of the most powerful online platforms for social, career and job-related networking. The hiring manager for that job you recently applied looked at your profile LinkedIn. LinkedIn is packed with recruiters for all different industries. The hiring manager making the first contact with email or LinkedIn message. Next, the hiring manager ask the recruiters for a time to talk, and tell them you can provide with more info on the call.

*offering job via phone*

Andy as a hiring manager
Kate as the recruiter 

Andy : Hello Kate, my name is Andy. Great to connect with you by phone.
Kate : Hi Andy, it's nice to talk with you.
Andy : How are you doing today?
Kate : I'm doing well, how about you?
Andy : Great, thanks. Shall we start the interview?
Kate : Yeah, sure.
Andy : First of all, let me introduce myself. I am the hiring manager of xyz company and we have an open position as an engineer. So we have been interviewing the recruiter to feel the position as soon as possible. We have already checked your LinkedIn profile. We pleased to offer you to that position.
Kate : yes, sir. I read about the position on your company website and i think i am a good fit for that position.
Andy : we are excited to welcome you to the team. which school did you graduate from?
Kate : i was a student at abc university and i graduated with a bachelor degree in software engineering.
Andy : It seems that you are qualified in engineering department as a software engineer. So we suggest you to join that team. What are you looking for in a job?
Kate : The job should definitely help me grow in my career. I will be happy to learn and grow as i work in a passionated company like yours.
Andy : You are right. Do you mind working overtime?
Kate : no, i don't 
Andy : Because, sometimes we get overwhelmed with heavy workload. It is nice to talk to you. I can tell that you are a good candidate.
Kate :Nice to talk to you too. Thank you for the interview.


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