
Showing posts from March, 2020

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man made disaster

Japan ’s  Horrific  Disaster ,  Minamata  Disease In the mid 1950s, there was some huge disaster that distracted most of the residents in  Minamata  Bay i n Kumamoto prefecture, Japan.  This disease originated from consumption of mercury fish originating from chemical factory was te disposal. This disease caused tingling in the hands and feet, narrow the point of view and decrease the ability to speak. I n the worst case the disease could  cause coma and death. Some victims died within months. The residents would diagnosed poisoned by  methylmercury  and the main caused is mercury metal poisoned  in   Minamata  waters.  P eople that lived in around  Minamata  always depend s  on these waters.  All sources of life especially food always depend s  by that waters.   The presence of toxins in these waters makes people’s lives had bad impact.  Toxic concentration had been accumulated in fish and other sea animals which consumed by many people in  Minamata .  Twenty tho usand  people